Tests / November 11, 2024 Generalized Anxiety Test Take a simple test to determine if you have severe, moderate, mild or no generalized anxiety symptoms Test is free and anonymous Generalized anxiety Self-report generalized anxiety scoring system 1 / 21 1) I worry about little, insignificant things. Yes No 2 / 21 2) I occasionally check my body for signs, symptoms of illness. Yes No 3 / 21 3) I feel nauseous or cough from time to time. Yes No 4 / 21 4) I avoid places that trigger my anxiety. Yes No 5 / 21 5) All tests for possible illnesses have been negative. Yes No 6 / 21 6) Going to doctor makes me really nervous. Yes No 7 / 21 7) From time to time I experience panic attacks. Yes No 8 / 21 8) My muscles are tense and I feel pain in body. Yes No 9 / 21 9) I have sleeping problems. Yes No 10 / 21 10) I have a hard time stopping or controlling my worries. Yes No 11 / 21 11) Sometimes I feel I am chocking, have hard time taking a breath. Yes No 12 / 21 12) I am afraid that something bad will happen in future. Yes No 13 / 21 13) I feel light-headed and dizzy. Yes No 14 / 21 14) I feel tired and exausted, resting doesn’t make me more energized. Yes No 15 / 21 15) I stress about stress. Yes No 16 / 21 16) I feel like my heart is beating really fast. Yes No 17 / 21 17) I have difficulty concetrating and my vision sometimes is impaired. Yes No 18 / 21 18) I fear that I might go crazy or have nervous brakedown. Yes No 19 / 21 19) I sweat a lot and experience hot flashes. Yes No 20 / 21 20) I feel like I might die from serious illness. Yes No 21 / 21 21) I feel nervous for no particular reason. Yes No Your score is 0% Try again Test is designed for informational purpose only, for correct evaluation and diagnosis contact licensed mental health specialist. Send feedback Generalized anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by the presence of excessive fear and worry. LEARN MORE ABOUT GENERALIZED ANXIETY TAGS:GAD testGeneralized anxietygeneralized anxiety test You May Also Like... Health Anxiety Test November 11, 2024 Social Anxiety Test November 11, 2024 Previous Post Social Anxiety Next Post Health Anxiety Test