Welcome to Locus Psychology
Depth psychology
Emotional attachments
True self
Locus Psychology offers insight into depth psychology which is practical and easy to understand. You will find free articles that are related to anxiety, relationships, emotional regulation, assertiveness, self-esteem, self-control and many other topics. Each article contains a layout of psychological problems and will help you to identify different aspects of it in your life. At the end of each article there are practical steps that you will be able to apply to your own life.
Learning vital knowledge of how the mind works is important because it facilitates psychological growth and maturing. Most of our psychological problems can be resolved, but there are great defenses, resistances that we need to penetrate in order to access our true self. Our psyche is really sensitive to rejection, criticism, not being good enough and abandonment. We hold negative attachments to these emotions from early childhood. They operate outside of our awareness and create unnecessary distress, suffering in our everyday life. Only through a conscious self-learning process we are able to access and resolve them.
Throughout this process we learn to establish deep contact with our emotions and needs, we feel comfortable expressing them. We learn to accept our body and feel good about who we are. We learn to stand up for ourselves and draw healthy boundaries in relationships. Of course, nothing is a quick fix. Learning new skills and overcoming negative emotional attachments takes courage, time and patience.
Only when we are able to go deep into our painful experiences and face our greatest fears, we discover who we truly are. In the process of liberation we also learn to relax and enjoy our life. We make better decisions that are directly in line with our needs and emotions. We don’t hold attachments to things, people and we feel free of letting go. We understand others better and do not hold grudges, ill will towards others. We learn to give and don’t expect anything back. We become better friend, colleague, boyfriend/girlfriend, parent, brother/sister.
Looking forward of seeing you soon,
Author, Clinical and Health psychologist Matīss Kozlovskis..
About author | Matīss
Education: Professional Master’s degree in psychology, University of Latvia
Field: Clinical and Health psychology
Involvement in field: 9 years
Topics of interest: Fear, Anxiety, Assertivness, Self-confidence, Perfectionism, Romantic relationships, Psychological defenses
Self-Therapy: 4,5 years (Psychodynamic psychotherapy)
Secret Talent: Singing in the Shower
“You must love in such a way that the other person feels free.”